Having fun with hamradio using low power and simple antennas!
ARISS Schoolcontacts between July and December 2017
December 2017
ISS ARISS Yeasu FT-736R (25W) + 5 el LPDA
05 -> 08/12/17 SSTV: on the 05/12 no reception as the test was delayed!
The first succes was on 06/12 at 15.07 utc in PD120 mode (and not in PD180 as usual) and again at 16.40, 18.16, 19.53 and 21.29 utc with strong signals and nearly perfect pictures!
I also received pictures on 07/12 at 15.47 and 17.24 UTC, and again on 08/12 at 14.55 and 16.32 UTC.
All done with a vertical dipole on tripod on balcony and with my V2000 lying horizontally because of heavy storm...
I wrote a small "Howto decode SSTV from the ISS", with pictures decoded on that day, that you can find on my website:
12/12/17: I heard the schoolcontact with Summa-Aldapeta, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, by astronaut Joe Acaba KE5DAR at 13:01 UTC in English and Spanish.
November 2017:
ISS ARISS Yeasu FT-736R (25W) + 5 el LPDA
03/11/17: I heard the ARISS contact of astronaut Paolo Nespoli IZØJPA with Liceo Scientifico ‘Francesco Cecioni”, Livorno, Italy and Liceo Artistico Melotti, Lomazzo, Italy, at 9.27 UTC in Italian.
30/11/17: I heard the ARISS contact of astronaut Paolo Nespoli IZØJPA with participants at Bishop Hendricken High School and its sister school, St. Mary Academy - Bay View, Warwick, RI, USA at 17.02 UTC in English.
August 2017
ISS ARISS Yeasu FT-736R (25W) + 5 el LPDA
01/08/17 I received the International Space Station ARISS contact from astronaut Paolo Nespoli IZ0JP with VCP-Bundeszeltplatz, Großzerlang, Germany at 18.20utc.
05/08/17 I received the International Space Station ARISS contact from astronaut Paolo Nespoli IZ0JP with Frontiers of Flight Museum/ Moon Day, Dallas, TX at 18.02utc.
08/08/17 I received the International Space Station ARISS contact from astronaut Paolo Nespoli IZ0JPA and the Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) event at GB4YOTA, which takes place in UK. The initial time at 18.38utc failed, but the 2nd attempt at 20.14utc was succesfull! more info at:
July 2017
ISS ARISS Yeasu FT-736R (25W) + 5 el LPDA
05/07/17 I heard the satellite Tanusha 1 [спутники Тануша 1], downlinked at 145.800 MHz FM and activated inside the International Space Station (ISS) Russian Segment as part of a verification test from July 4-8. Greeting messages in Russian, English, Spanish and Chinese are clearly heard with strong signal at around 07.30 UTC.
07 & 08/07/14 The ISS repeater was active, heard several stations including F4DXV, TM24TDF, m0npt, f4cqa... I was not able to work them for one reason or another... I later discovered that I used the wrong input frequency... preparation is everything...
20 to 24/07/17 I heard and decoded SSTV, in commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of ARISS, during different pases. All passes were between 00.00 and 06.00 local time. I managed to get some good pics even on a pass with maximum 3 degrees of elevation.