Having fun with hamradio using low power and simple antennas!
ARISS schoolcontacts between January and June 2018
June 2018:
ISS ARISS Yeasu FT-736R (25W) + 5 el LPDA
07/06/18 I received several SSTV pictures
20 & 21/06/18
On June 20, Tanusha 3 will be connected to one of the ARISS Service Module antennas and will transmit from 0730-1200 UTC on 437.05 MHz. These FM transmissions will include greetings from students in several languages, including Russian, English, Spanish and Chinese. On June 21, Tanusha 4 will be connected to one of the ARISS Service Module antennas and will transmit from 0730-1200 UTC on the same frequency: 437.05 MHz. The ARISS-Russia team plan to also retransmit these signals on the standard ARISS 2-meter downlink, 145.80 MHz using the JVC Kenwood D700 radio that is still on-board ISS.
However on both days I didn't hear anything on 70cm from the students in different languages, and on 2 m several amateurs were using ISS like a repeater?
I heard an International Space Station school contact with Alexander Gerst KF5ONO and two schools in Germany: Werner Heisenberg Gymnasium, Leverkusen and Schickhardt Gymnasium, Herrenberg, on Wednesday 27 June 2018 at 10:32 UTC in German, with strong signal.
29/06/18 -> 01/07/18 SSTV
I received several images commemorating the various satellites that the ARISS team has developed and hand-deployed from the ISS. These include the first satellite deployment from ISS: SuitSat-1/Radioskaf-1 which was deployed in February 2006.
April 2018
ISS ARISS Yeasu FT-736R (25W) + 5 el LPDA
02 & 03/04/18 sstv: I received weak Slow Scan Television images on 145.800 MHz FM from the International Space Station during the Inter-MAI-75 SSTV experiment.
11 -> 14/04/18 sstv: I received some very good Slow Scan Television images on 145.800 MHz FM from the International Space Station in celebration of Cosmonautics Day.
See also my 'how too receive SST from the ISS' at:

February 2018
ISS ARISS Yeasu FT-736R (25W) + 5 el LPDA
14/02/18 I heard the schoolcontact with Vilniaus Jono Basanaviciaus Gymnasium together with Vilniaus Jono Basanaviciaus Progymnasium, Vilnius, Lithuania, at approximately 12.37 UTC with Joe Acaba KE5DAR.
21/02/18 I heard the schoolcontact from Scott Tingle KG5NZA with Agrupamento de Escolas do Fundao, Fundao, Portugal, at approximately 9.38 UTC.
January 2018
ISS ARISS Yeasu FT-736R (25W) + 5 el LPDA
31/01/18 I heard an International Space Station school contact with Joe Acaba KE5DAR with Central Magnet Math & Science ES/Batesville School District, Batesville, Arizona, on Wednesday 31 January 2018 at 16.42 UTC.