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Contacts in 2016

December 2016

50Mhz Icom IC-703 (10W) Diamond VX2000 vertical tribander
28/12/16: SSB: I heard some good tropo from Poland working into the UK on the "Christmas Cumulatives Contest"
Also the Dutch beacon PI7SIX (jo21fv) in Rotterdam on 50.425Mhz was very strong for most of the evening
29/12//16: Again the Dutch beacon PI7SIX (jo21fv) in Rotterdam on 50.425Mhz was very strong for most of the evening

144Mhz Yeasu FT-736R (25W) + 5 el LPDA
06/12/16 SSB: m0bra (io91), g3meh (io91),g4fev (io92), g7rau (io90), g5bbl/p (io81), g4nbs (jo02), g0jjg (jo02), g4oda (io92), g0gda (jo01), g3ydy( jo01), m0vxx/p (io82), m1mhz (io92)
28/12/16: very good tropo and a lot of activity tnx to the "Christmas Cumulatives Contest", what a good idea this contest is: a lot of people have holidays, sitting in the shack and then exellent condx... we had smog for the whole day and could only see 20 metres far...
Could hear some scandinavian stations from OZ and SM, but unable to work them...
g0vve (io92), m0cgl (jo03), g0xdi ( io91), g4cla (io92), gw8asd (io83), g8gxp (io93), g8xyj/p (io82 50w in 4el!), m0ckp (io92)

29/12/19: Bingo again! very good tropo and a lot of activity tnx to the "Christmas Cumulatives Contest" again... and again smog for the whole day! Again some scandinavian stations and ea2xr (in83) but unable to work them...
g0gqt (jo01), m0nvs/p (io91), f1bhl/p (jn99), g7rau (io90), g0xdi (io91), g3ydy (jo01), m6hlr (jo01 yl operator), g0tar (jo01), f6hpp/p (jn19), m0cgl (jo03), m1geo/p (jo01), f5ean (jn06), g0vve (io91), g8xyj/p (io82), f4bwj (in93 892 km!), f1aiw (jn06 535 km), dk5dq (jo31), dk5wo (jo30).

30/12/16: m0how (jo00), f4hgu (jn08), f6dbi (in88 570km), dl8ye (jo32), ea2xr (in83 993km!), f8brk (in99), f4ffh (in99), f2ct (in93 933km)











November 2016

During November I was active with the special call OP8NT.
OP Is the special prefix all Belgian radioamateur can use in November 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, for remembering the 1st World War (1914-1918).
UBA 14-18 Award:
In commemoration of the World War One centenary the Royal Union of Belgian Radio Amateurs (UBA) issues a remembrance award.
Between 1 August 2014 en 30 november2018 applicants must collect at least 1418 points.
The following rules apply for obtaining points:
- OP0PPY = 500 points
- Special event stations with prefix OP14, OP15, OP16, OP17, OP18 contribute each for 250 points; Belgian stations need to work at least three of these stations, other European stations two and stations outside of Europe one;
- During the month of November of the years 2014-2018 all other Belgian stations will count 30 points.

There are no band or mode restrictions, but contacts via terrestrial repeaters, Echolink etc. are not accepted. Every station may be accounted for only once in the AWARD application. There is an "Endorsement" available if you collect the 1418 points in one calendar year. Five of these "endorsements" are available (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018).
The award is free of charge, and only available in digital form.
Send your log extract in TXT format and claimed score to ON4CAS


01/11/16 SSB:  g3ydy ( jo01), g0gqt (jo01), g8cul (io91), g3meh (io91), g4oda (io92)

08/11/16 SSB: g0xdi/p (jo01), g3xdy (jo02), g4cla (io92)


October 2016

144Mhz 25w in 5el LPDA
04/10/16 SSB: g0gda (jo01), g8xvj/p (io93), 2e0pey (io81), m0bra (io91), g8cul (io91), g3meh (io91), g4cla (io92), g4irc (jo02),
30/10/16 tropo ssb: g7rau (io90), m1bxf (jo02)
31/10/16 tropo ssb m0cgl (jo03)

432Mhz 25w in 5el LPDA
11/10/16 SSB: g4cla (io92), g4rul/p (jo00)
31/10/16 tropo ssb: g0jjg (jo02)


September 2016

No 50Mhz activity here on this side... We had a beautiful 'Indian summer' with temperatures up to 30°C almost every day, so in the morning we did some biking, and we were sitting outside on the balcony in the shadow until late in the evening... So probably I missed some openings...

144Mhz FT-736R 25watts in 5el LPDA
IARU R1 VHF contest
03/09/16 SSB: m4a (jo02), do8cw/p (jo40), da0ff (jo40), dl0leo (jo30), dj5kw/p (jo31), f6kup/p (jn29), dl0gm (jo31), tm9a (jn39a), dl0ac (jo30), f4kjp/p (jn29), dp5g (jo30), df0mu (jo32), dl0vj/p (jo30), dl0il (jo31), dk5dq (jo31), dr9a (jn48), dl0gth (jo50), tm2t (jojn18), g0vhf/p (jo01), g8w (io90), m1bqy/p (io81), g8t (jo01), g2xv/p (jo02), g8bp (jo01)
04/09/16 SSB:  f6hpp/p (jn19), pc5t (jo23), g5rs/p (jo00)

UKAC Nice conditions and lot of activity
06/09/16: m0bra (io91), mw0ati (io83), g4ypc (io91), g4fev (io92), m0cgl (jo03), df0mu (jo32), m1gry (jo02), g4irc (jo02), g3meh (io91), g4nbs (jo02), g3ygy (jo01)

432Mhz FT-736R 25 watts in 5el LPDA
UKAC good opening
13/09/16 SSB: g4rul/p (jo00), g7lrq (io93), m1cjn/p (io93), g4ztr (jo01), g4fev (io92), pe1ewr (jo11), g3xdy (jo02), g3ydy (jo01), g4cla (io92), g3meh (io91).


August 2016

50Mhz (10 watts in vertical v2000)
Heard but not worked: ssb sv9cvy (eu-015, km25ka)
ssb: iz5ila (jn52jw) iz8wgu  (jm88ao) z32kf (kn01si)  it9ewl (jm78oe)  sv2qqr (kn10ln)
cw: z32kf  (kn01si) yu6mm (kn04hg) ik0yvv  (jn62hn)  c31ct  (jn02sn)

Heard but not worked: ssb 4x1ti (km71jg) cw  5b4ahj (km64gv)
ssb: s57ac  (jn76tn)  s51ck  (jn76km)  is0bsr/p  (jm49ck)
cw: og55w  (kp20mj)  ea7hg  (im87cs)  ut7uu  (ko05fn)  oh2bci  (kp10xn)  ea6vq  (eu-004 jm19)  9a9k  (jn85at)  s58p  (jn76id)  la4wka  (eu-055  jp20mg)  e72md  (jn94br)  ei4dq  (eu-115  io51wu)  yt9a  (kn04bo)  lz2pl  (kn23xt)

cw: ea5fx  (im99)

cw: em25krr (ko30do)  ha6qr  (jn97tq)  sm0lpo  (jo89te)  pi4zwn  (jo11tk)  z35u  (kn01jv)

ssb:  ea6fb  (eu-004  jm08pw)
cw: it9vjo  (jm78of)  it9joe  (jm68ne)  9k2hn  (ll39xi)

ssb: ct1ehi  (im67aa)  ea7jur  (im87wh)

14/08/16 cw k1tol (fn44vg) heard but not worked
psk31: es3br  (ko28js)
ssb: oh3bhl  (kp10rr)  oj0dx (eu-053  jp90nh) ei9e  (eu-115  io44wd)  iz8gnr (jn71ef)
cw: yl2jz  (ko26am)  yl3cw  (ko36cm)  oy6bec (beacon eu-018  ip62oa)  yl2mu  (ko16up)  oj0dx (eu-053  jp90nh) sm2gcq  (kp15eu)  oh3rb (kp10aq)  it9bdm  (eu-025  jm77ne)  g3ldi  (jo02on

144Mhz (25 watts in 5el LPDA for 2m & 70 cm)
02/08/16 SSB:  m0vxx/p (io82ql) g0gqt (jo01gj) g3ydy (jo01fq) g4fev (io92rg) m1gry (jo02ai)


July 2016

20/07/16: SSB: EA4AYW (IN70XK)
27/07/16: SSB: IS0BSR/IM0 (JM48EX), EA4BAS (IN80HL), EA4WW (IN80AP), EA4CZV (IN80DL), EA3EVL (JN00HR), EA5JK (IM99QI), EA4DAU (IN70XG)

05/07/16 SSB: G4CLA (IO92JL), G4ZTR (JO01KW), M1MHZ (IO92WV), M0SAT (IO91TP), G7RAU (IO90IR),

12/07/16 SSB: G4CLA (IO92JL), G4NBS (JO02AF)


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