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Activation of OP0PPY on WSPR

From 18 to 20 November 2017 an exposition on 'the history of radiocommunication in the first world war' together with the local heritage society, citycouncil and local parish was taking place in The Saint Mary Church in Maria-Aalter.
The exposition itself has been made available through our national society UBA, Royal National Society of Belgian radio amateurs, with the valuable help of Freddy ON3FDS.

We had a functioning WSPR station (5 watts) on HF and indoor antenne.


We guided classes of youngsters and teachers from the local schools around the expostion and our stand.
Youngsters also got an excercise for the classroom and at home to look for our special event station OP0PPY on wsprnet.
org to see were our station was received... Afterward we got positive feedback from teachere who were combining this excercise with geografy, math... and youngsters were really surprised and excited that a small transmitter in their local church was received worldwide!


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